Primary Palette
Use of color must be consistent across the university. Referring to these Pantone®, CMYK, RGB and Hex values will eliminate the guesswork. There are three different shades of orange which serve as the official colors of UT Health San Antonio. These play a major role in establishing our identity and should be implemented consistently in all web applications and print communications.
Color | Pantone ® | CMYK | RGB | Hex |
717 San Antonio Sunrise |
11, 75, 100, 2 | 212, 93, 0 | #d45d00 | |
1525 | 19, 83, 100, 9 | 185, 71, 0 | #b94700 | |
174 | 8, 86, 100, 36 | 150, 56, 33 | #853c27 | |
Secondary Palette
While the three orange colors are the university’s primary colors and an integral part of our brand, a secondary color palette has been developed to provide versatility and variety when developing communications, marketing and program materials. The secondary palette was carefully selected to complement and accent the oranges.
The number of secondary colors used in a single piece should be limited, however, so they do not create an environment in which UT Health San Antonio is not recognizable.
Color | Pantone ® | CMYK | RGB | Hex |
438 | 42, 56, 47, 77 | 81, 60, 64 | #544747 | |
437 | 21, 40, 18, 56 | 123, 100, 105 | #746569 | |
436 | 12, 24, 9, 28 | 171, 152, 157 | #a3979c | |
434 | 5, 11, 8, 12 | 208, 196, 197 | #cbc4c4 | |
634 | 100, 13, 10, 41 | 0, 95, 131 | #005d81 | |
633 | 98, 6, 0, 29 | 0, 115, 150 | #007195 | |
636 | 39, 0, 7, 0 | 139, 211, 230 | #a0d1e6 | |
626 | 80, 18, 56, 54 | 40, 92, 77 | #3d5c50 | |
625 | 64, 16, 45, 30 | 80, 127, 112 | #5f7e71 | |
578 | 30, 7, 51, 0 | 183, 206, 149 | #bdcd98 | |
669 | 80, 80, 28, 20 | 72, 65, 110 | #3c2f56 | |
668 | 70, 77 17, 12 | 97, 75, 121 | #5d4d76 | |
5295 | 30, 30, 10, 4 | 179, 176, 196 | #b1aec2 | |
1395 | 9, 55, 100, 39 | 153, 96, 23 | #8d6024 | |
7511 | 5, 52, 100, 24 | 183, 119, 41 | #a97732 | |
1355 | 0, 22, 60, 0 | 255, 197, 110 | #f2c472 | |
875 | Metallic Copper | - | - |