Email Signature
Your email signature is a direct representation of the university’s brand and reputation. UT Health San Antonio faculty, staff and students are asked to use basic contact information, including only assigned fonts and colors.
This can be copied and pasted into your email client.
Firstname Lastname
UT Health San Antonio
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, TX 78229
210-567-1234 W | 215-123-4567 M
Email Signature Specification
- Type Size: 11pt
- Typeface: Arial
- Colors: Name and links - Orange (RGB 185, 71, 0 or #a44900)
Email Signature Tips
- Do not add extra icons, logos, taglines or social media image links to your signature; images can come across as attachments and appear chaotic, and many email clients and mobile devices block them.
- Personal quotations or philosophical statements should not be included as part of your signature. Your email signature is a direct representation of the university’s identity.
Presentation templates help to create professional presentations that consistently represent UT Health San Antonio’s brand.
PowerPoint Tips
- Be consistent with your font selection; we recommend Georgia or Arial.
- Choose a font size appropriate for your presentation context. A one-inch letter is readable from 10 feet, a two-inch letter is readable from 20 feet and a three-inch letter is readable from 30 feet.
- If you use a light background, use dark text. If you use a dark background, use light text.
- Align text left or right. Centered text is harder to read.
- Don’t use paragraphs; use bullets or short sentences, and aim to keep each point to one line.
- Use images sparingly and thoughtfully; avoid over-designing your pages with special effects.
Business Cards
Business cards may only be ordered from UT Print to ensure the correct format, color and stock is used.
Letterhead and Envelope
Letterhead and envelopes may only be ordered from UT Print to ensure the correct format, color and stock is used.
Mays Cancer Center Regental Name
Joe R. & Teresa Long School of Medicine UT Health San Antonio
Electronic Letterhead
An electronic version of our letterhead (Microsoft Word template) can be downloaded here. Do not print and distribute paper copies of the electronic letterhead; official university letterhead should be used for all paper-based correspondence.
Download Letterhead with full, regental name logo (Word Doc)
Download Letterhead with UT Health San Antonio logo (Word Doc)
Download Letterhead with Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine logo (Word Doc)